Sunday, March 27, 2011

{baby update} 21 weeks

Technically I won't be 21 weeks until Tuesday, but I really can't wait that long. Last Friday Hubby and I went in for our second trimester ultrasound, which proved very uncomfortable as I needed a full blader and the technician was pushing down on my abdomen pretty hard. Plus, Baby didn't enjoy the process at all and actually flipped over to avoid the tech! I think it was the fetal equivalent of giving the finger, haha!

What we saw was absolutely amazing. Remember what Baby looked like when I was 9 weeks along?
Well, this is what Baby looks like now...

It just blows me away.

But wait! I haven't told you the best part! We know what we're having! But, I can't tell you.

Just kidding. That's mean. I wouldn't yank your chain like that.

Well, maybe just a little. :)

Are you ready?

For the record, I would have been happy with either gender. What I really want is to be mommy to a healthy baby, and so far that appears to be the case! Yay!

Okay, I guess that's enough chain-yanking. You've probably scrolled down anyway.


Yay! It's such a relief to know... now I can commence further planning for the nursery and such. I'm already working on a crocheted baby blanket, and will definitely make a quilt for her!


  1. YAy yay yay!!! Isn't it amazing seeing her on the ultrasound?? I'm so happy for you!! :D

  2. Wow, she's not a tadpole anymore! She's a real baby now! ;) So happy for you guys.

  3. Congratulations! Oh, think of all the beautiful things to make for her... :D
